--- Comment #17 from Michael Felt <aixtools at gmail dot com> ---
The problem is not installing other tools. Of course I will do that. It is an
issue on AIX because will buildable they are not there by default. In a linux
stack they are nearly native. I do not want to be dependent on something I
cannot recreate - especially if it sets boundaries.

What also is not forgotten by me: Years ago I was trying to package, even limit
it to just "make install" in place, and ran into considerable issues - and grew
tired of the comment of not having the latest tools (just the latest I could

Currently there are some (gnu) projects that no longer attempt to be 
what I would call 'portable'. That is, some developers equate being able to
compile on gcc (which is portable) as portable programming. That was not the
definition I learned.

I am not asking, or even expecting for it to be easy to start "late in the
game". I know there is a lot I do not know - and I will need pointers.
And, hopefully, someone will be slightly interested in the assumptions that
get laid bare.

In short, why AIX 5.3 - for compatibility, not because someone is limited to
that level of AIX. Almost anything compiled on AIX 5.3 will run unchanged on
AIX 5.3, AIX 6.1 and AIX 7.1.

If compiled on AIX 7.1 it will not run on AIX 6.1 or AIX 5.3.

That simple (from my perspective).

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