--- Comment #5 from Michael Karcher <gcc-bugzilla at mkarcher dot> ---
The root issue now is that the ABI gcc implements on m68k is incompatible with
the Go runtime shipped with gcc.

The Go runtime uses the lowest two bits in the type information pointer as
flags (called PRECISE and LOOP) and relies on the fact that the actual type
information structure is aligned to a 32-bit boundary. The type descriptors are
Go literals created by the Go frontend as standard Go structures.

In the gcc backend for Go, the layout and alignment rules of Go structures
match the rules for C structures (which is most likely necessary for
interoperability). On m68k this means we get 16-bit alignment for historical
reasons. The current interface between the go frontend and its backend has no
interface to request stricter alignment, so the Go frontend is unable to ensure
that type descriptors are aligned to 32-bit boundaries.

A possible way of solving this would be to extend
Backend::struct_type(vector<...> fields) by an (optional?) second parameter to
communicate alignment requests, such that Gcc_backend::struct_type can use
DECL_ALIGN before calling fill_in_struct. This enables the Go frontend to
request the required alignment for its type descriptors. Requesting increased
alignment for Go type descriptors is impossible to break legacy ABIs on m68k as
there is no ABI involving Go type descriptors yet.

This change should possibly go align with adding "__attribute__((aligned(4)))"
to several types in libgo/runtime/go-type.h if type descriptors are ever
created from the C side of things.

Proof for the issue:

(sid-m68)root:~# nm --dynamic /usr/lib/m68k-linux-gnu/ | grep __go_td
 | head -n 6
00bcc410 V __go_td_AAAN5_uint8ee1e
00bcc440 V __go_td_AAAN5_uint8ee1e$gc
00bd0058 V __go_td_AAAN5_uint8eee
00bd0080 V __go_td_AAAN5_uint8eee$gc
00bfc4e6 V __go_td_AAAN6_uint329e3e16e
00bfc5d2 V __go_td_AAAN6_uint329e3e16e$gc

shows unaligned type descriptors.

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