On Wed, 16 Aug 2017, Eric Gallager wrote:

> I see Richi redid all his 7.2 release changes; does that imply that
> the server restore is now complete?

No, there's still a search process ongoing to identify corrupted or 
missing files by comparison with the last backup.

My expectation is that all the other Bugzilla changes from 13 and 14 
August UTC need redoing manually (recreating bugs with new numbers in the 
case of new bugs filed during that period, if those bugs are still 
relevant, repeating comments, etc. - and possibly recreating accounts for 
people who created accounts and filed bugs during that period).  But I 
haven't seen any official announcement from overseers to all affected 
projects (for both GCC and Sourceware Bugzillas) yet.

Joseph S. Myers

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