Steven Bosscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


| I'd be surprised if there a compiler exists that runs optimizations
| on EDG's C++ specific representation.

CFront was very good at implementing optimizations "native" compilers
could not match at the time (or with 2 years lag).  KCC did a great job.
Of course, not every optimization needs to be expressed at source
level, but definitely they are or were compilers that take/took
optimization advangate of higher-level representations.

Anyway, I think your reduction completely missed the point of the LTO

The point wasn't that LTO would represent the programs very close to
the source level (e.g. even higher level than GENERIC) for link-time
optimization purpose.  The observation was that the infrastructure of LTO
would make it *fairly easy to extend* to higher-level representation.

-- Gaby

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