On 6/18/07, costin_c <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In the following code, compiled with
g++   cls.cc -Wall -W -g3 -o cls

why only only virtual functions  f1, f2 and constructor is listed by nm.

Only debugging symbols for virtual functions are included in
executable output file ?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class test
    int u;
    test(int t){u=t;};
    virtual void f1(){
    cout <<u<<endl;
    virtual void f2(int t){u=t;};
    void f3(int t){u=t;};


int main(int argc, char **argv)
    test t(100);

$nm -C  cls | grep test::

0804874e W test::f1()
08048740 W test::f2(int)
08048728 W test::test(int)

Wierd assembler file, generated by "-S" parameter,  include all
information about test  class methods: test,f1,f2,f3

       .string "test::test"
       .long   0x5d40
       .string "test::f2"
       .long   0x5d70
       .string "test::f3"
       .long   0x5e4d
       .string "test::f1"
       .long   0x5e71
       .string "main"

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