Basile Starynkevitch wrote:

>> Meanwhile, I think we should try to make use of the fact that RMS is
>> permitting auto-generated reference documentation (which I have been
>> instructed not to call a manual) using JavaDoc/Doxygen tools.  If we use
>> those tools, and demonstrate their value, we're then in a stronger
>> position to say how generation of actual manuals is important.

> What I don't understand is what is so special about Doxygen.

Basile, there's nothing special about Doxygen.  It's just an example of
a tool that generates cross-reference information.  I think you can
reasonably distinguish the kind of thing that comes out of JavaDoc or
Doxygen from a manual.  If you don't know what kind of output JavaDoc
and Doxygen produce, please go read about them for a while and look at
some examples.

Mark Mitchell
(650) 331-3385 x713

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