Joern Rennecke wrote:

> The main utility of plugins is that they make developing, testing and
> deploying modifications to gcc easier. 

This may be true now, but I certainly hope it will not be true in future.

I view the current plug-in mechanism as a prototype.  I think that we
should be working toward a much more robust mechanism, similar to
plug-ins for Eclipse, Firefox, MySQL, or other popular software stacks.
I certainly see no reason that plug-ins cannot work on any system that
has something roughly equivalent to dlopen (which Windows and OS X
certainly do).  There's lots of prior art here.

The key change we need to make is that instead of the current
"unstructured" approach where we essentially expose the entirety of the
GCC internals, we provide a stable, documented API that exposes a
portion of the internals.  (It's fine with me if there's an expert mode
in which you can do anything you want, but it should be easy to stay
within the stable API if you want to do that.)  I would start with an
API for "observing" (rather than modifying) the internal representation,
 and add modification later.

With observation alone, you could start to build interesting
static-checking tools, including, for example, domain-specific tools
that could check requirements of the Linux kernel.  This would be a
powerful and exciting feature to have in GCC.

Mark Mitchell
(650) 331-3385 x713

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