
"Paul F. Dietz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> You want to run the random type prop tests.  Start lisp, then:
> (load "gclload1.lsp")
> (load "random-type-prop-tests.lsp")
> These tests are explicitly designed to test type-driven compiler
> specializations of built-in functions.  The member tests are
> in random-type-prop-tests-05.lsp.  The def-type-prop-test macro
> prepends "RANDOM-TYPE-PROP." to the specified name to get the
> name of the test, so the tests you want are (in the CL-TEST
> package) named random-type-prop.member.1 through
> random-type-prop.member.6.

Thanks!  These are very useful.  Do you have any plans for same on
sequence functions, e.g. map, map-into, every, some, etc?

> Note: the tests of destructive functions here may be wrong,
> because of issues with modification of literal constants
> in compiled code.

Hmm.  OK will defer these until I understand such issues :-).

Take care,

>       Paul
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Camm Maguire                                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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