Randyqiu wrote:
> Hi,
>   I have been in trouble with getting S_57 format(.000) files’ 
> “styleString”.
>  According to the article named “OGR - Feature Style Specification 
> <http://www.gdal.org/ogr/ogr_feature_style.html>”, I wanted to get some 
> information about “drawing tools” such as color、pen width by using some 
> functions as follows:
> * OGRLayer::GetStyleTable ()**、**OGRFeature::GetStyleString()**、 
> **OGRDataSource:: GetStyleTable()*
> But they all returned nothing(0x000000) which means these functions were 
> useless and didn’t get what I want .
> Now, can you tell me the reason? Is it because I used the wrong function 
> or anything else? Can you give me an instance about getting the 
> “StyleString” or “drawing tools” information?


I'm afraid that the S57 driver does not provide style support.  In fact,
I believe only two or three drivers do support styles.  In the case of S57
format the style is not really intrinsic in the file though there are
standards  (S52) defined which indicate how S-57 data ought to be displayed.

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