NopMap wrote:


I am trying to make a GeoTiff a little bit smaller with gdal_translate.

Gdalinfo shows that the TIF has the following size:
Upper Left  ( 1102062.959, 6818226.972) (  9d54'0.00"E, 52d 6'0.00"N)
Lower Right ( 1692080.162, 6257943.762) ( 15d12'0.77"E, 48d54'0.71"N)

I call
gdal_translate -projwin 9.91 52.09 15.19 48.91 in.tif out.tif

The coordinates should be within the bounds of the TIF, but I get the error
Input file size is 7719, 7330
Computed -srcwin -14417 89199 0 0 from projected window.
Computed -srcwin falls outside raster size of 7719x7330.

What am I doing wrong?
Is there another/better way to do this?


You need to specify the corners in the coordinate system of the
image.  So the values should be the meter based projected coordinates
like 1102062,6818226.

Best regards,

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