On 11-02-03 01:30 PM, Aníbal Pacheco wrote:
Hi, I'm using gdalbuildvrt to produce a virtual raster layer which can then
used in Mapnik and its ogcserver(WMS), everything works except that the result
image is black & white and with a very poor resolution. The 2 source tif files
used in this test were both colored with a good resolution. Any ideas?


I would suggest examining the resulting vrt to see if there is anything
odd about it.  Start with gdalinfo to see if it's resolution seems reasonable
and if in fact it is 3 bands.  You might want to run "gdalinfo -stats xx.vrt"
to get band statistics just to verify that the bands are radiometrically
distinct.  Also, check that the band pixel type is reasonable - the same
as the source files.

If that all looks ok, then perhaps visually examine the VRT with something
like QGIS.

After that it comes down to talking to Mapnik people about why there are

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