On 11-02-08 05:58 PM, Francis Markham wrote:
Ouch, I guess I'll be slicing and mosaicing, sending all my data across the
network, or looking for another IO library.  Which approach would you
recommend?  Are you aware if any of the major non-GDAL libraries for popular
formats (e.g. libgeotiff) support concurrent writes?



Note that the core problem with writing relates to the shared block
cache amoung datasets, and problems with ensuring that flushes occur
in the appropriate thread.

So, with some care you could in theory write from multiple threads,
but you would need to ensure that you never fill the block cache
triggering block writes due to cache fullness.

Using Libtiff/libgeotiff directly will also avoid this problem.

Best regards,

On 9 February 2011 09:44, Even Rouault <even.roua...@mines-paris.org
<mailto:even.roua...@mines-paris.org>> wrote:

    * you cannot write concurrently into the same file (and using several
    GDALDataset won't help)

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