On 11-03-09 01:46 PM, Radim Blazek wrote:

GDALWarpOperation.ChunkAndWarpImage was reported to be extremly slow
on larger geotiff (over 1GB). Is it possible that it is much slower
with respect to GDALRasterIO()  even without reprojection? Should I
return to 'manualy' reading data via GDALRasterIO() + fidling with
data extents and cells alignement? I thought that GDAL
ChunkAndWarpImage will do it even faster, possibly knowing better (?)
various formats nature.

Is there way to tune somehow performance? Currently no reprojection
and GRA_NearestNeighbour.


GDALWarpOperation is intended to be a high precision image resampler.
Within the constraints of doing this correctly it attempts to be fast,
but it will generally be quite a bit slower than direct RasterIO calls
and in some situations dramatically slower.  Particularly it is completely
inappropriate to use for radical downsampling.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmer...@pobox.com
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