
I have sometimes taken the approach of doing a "gdalwarp to VRT" which
creates the configuration of the target dataset in VRT format, but does not
actually resample any imagery.  The you can open the VRT and query it's
configuration.  There are also lower level apis to get this information but
they are not normally exposed through SWIG in Java, Python, etc as far as I

Best regards,

On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 11:59 AM Pham Huu Bang <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a Sentinel 2 in UTM32 with these metadata from gdalinfo:
> Size is 1830, 1830
> Pixel Size = (60.000000000000000,-60.000000000000000)
> Lower Left  (  600000.000, 5790240.000)
> Upper Left  (  600000.000, 5900040.000)
> How can I have these same metadata* by GDAL Python/Java binding* but in
> EPSG:4326, given Pixel Size = (0.000700000000000,-0.000700000000000) *without
> running gdalwarp*?
> Because, the input file can be big and I don't need the reprojected file,
> just need these metadata in EPSG:4326, for example:
> Size is 2395, 1454
> Lower Left  (  10.4649804,  52.2224083)
> Upper Left  (  10.4649804,  53.2402083)
> I've tried to find some method, but this one only exist in C++ (
> GDALSuggestedWarpOutput)
> Thanks,
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