
The least disruptive approach to this would be for you to store your DEM in
a "memory dataset" and reference that.  I've done this in the past when I
had it in a numpy array by using the numpy driver.  The "MEM" dataset can
be used to reference approximately arbitrary in-memory arrays.

Best regards,

On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 8:21 AM Julien Osman <julien.os...@csgroup.eu>

> Dear GDAL community,
> I use the RPC transformer available in GDAL (GDALCreateRPCTransformer
> and GDALRPCTransform).
> To provide a DEM to the transformer, one needs to set the option
> "RPC_DEM" with the path to the DEM file. In my workflow, this is not
> very convenient because the DEM is already loaded in memory as a
> GDALDataset. This means that I need to write it to the disk and let
> GDALCreateRPCTransformer load it again. In my opinion, it would make
> sens to open a little the API so one can provide the DEM directly as a
> GDALDataset.
> If this is OK for you, I can implement this functionality and propose a
> Pull Request. The solution I see would be to add a function
> GDALRPCAddDEM, similar to GDALRPCOpenDEM without the part opening the
> GDALDataset. What do you think?
> Best regards.
> Julien Osman.
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