Hi folks!

We have a process that generates web mercator zoom levels by resampling
from the next higher up, from the original resolution down to zoom level 0.
Currently we do so with gdalwarp, but a team member realized that
gdal_translate is capable of the same, and at first glance is much faster.
Unfortunately, using the two commands (below) which I intended to do
exactly the same thing winds up with slightly different results (can/should
I post a small image here to illustrate?).

I won't ask "Which is correct?" because the answer is almost certainly
"That depends on what you want". But can someone help me understand the
difference between what is done with the gdalwarp command versus the
gdal_translate one so that I can decide if using gdal_translate is an
acceptable solution? Here are the two commands:

gdalwarp -te 12523442.714243278 0.0 15028131.257091936 2504688.5428798534
-ts 65536 65536 -r mode -co TILED=YES ../source_tiles/everything.vrt

gdal_translate -r mode -projwin 12523442.714243278 2504688.5428798534
15028131.257091936 0.0 -outsize 65536 65536 -co TILED=YES
../source_tiles/everything.vrt 007R_013C_translate_mode.tif

Thank you!

Daniel Mannarino
gdal-dev mailing list

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