On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 08:33, Matthew Brush <mbr...@codebrainz.ca> wrote:
> On 12-02-26 11:20 PM, Frank Lanitz wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> Just something I thought on last merges based on Jiri's patches. Its
>> hard to understand what this merges do just by reading the commit
>> message. Given, that we want to create the ChangeLog based on git log it
>> will be nearly impossible to create a good ChangeLog/Newsfile if we
>> don't keep care..... Not sure how, but can we be more verbose here?
> "Do not show document change notification dialog when MRU switch is in
> progress
> When switching between MRU documents, Geany pops up a dialog about document
> change even for the intermediate non-final documents. This leads to both
> reload dialog and document switch dialog displayed at the same time and
> termination of document switching because the newly displayed dialog takes
> focus.
> This patch disables reload checks for the intermediate documents and
> forces reload check for the final document."
> --------
> "Do not ignore system() return value to eliminate compiler warning"
> --------
> "Drop 'already' from the message in project close confirmation dialog
> Suppose you have project A open and want to open project B. Then the message
> saying "The 'A' project is already open" displays. This is slightly
> confusing and feels like if you were trying to re-open project A even though
> you are opening different project. The message without 'already' looks
> clearer in this context."
> --------
> "Modify project dialog signals
> Rename project-dialog-create signal to project-dialog-open because now the
> dialog exists all the time and the signal name is misleading. Add
> project-dialog-close signal to indicate that project dialog has been closed
> and plugins can remove their tabs when needed.
> In addition, bump plugin API and ABI version."
> --------
> Just to give everyone who hasn't checked the commits an idea of the
> verbosity that those commit messages has.

Is it too verbose? I was trying to add some more detailed info because
from my experience even though the patch seems to be clear now, when
looking at it one year later I often feel like "what does the hell the
patch do?" and "why did I write something like that?". But if it's the
preferred way I can move the explanation into the merge comment on

By the way, because the patches I submitted weren't related in any
way, I think they could have been rebased on top of master instead of
doing merge.

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