Sorry I wasn't clear enough, my complaint isn't that the dialog is
modal on the file, that is fine, my complaint is that it is modal on
the entire editor, once that dialog comes up I can't do anything else
until I've figured out why that file changed and what I want to do
about it. I can't even close the file, let alone edit some other file.

You are right about the firefox save passwords dialog being easy to
miss, the gedit file changed notification is about 4x as big, has a
big exclamation mark on it and prevents editing of the file until you
deal with it. However you can still use the rest of the editor, you
can switch to other tabs and use them as normal and you can close the
current tab.

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 8:14 AM, Enrico Tröger <> wrote:
> On Thu, 22 Jan 2009 12:03:06 +1100, Gordon Wrigley
> <> wrote:
>>I'd like to discuss the possibility of changing to a non modal prompt
>>for file change notification. I would prefer a system like gedits, I
>>couldn't find a screenshot of this but for those without access to
>>gedit it is comparable to the handling of popups and passwords in
>>newer versions of firefox.
> So far, the count is 2 vs 1 votes :).
> I totally don't like those, whatever it is called, bars. At least not
> for important things and especially not when user input is needed
> (reload? yes/no).
> I saw these things only once or twice in Gedit but I know them from
> Firefox and it's really annoying. I remember the first few times I just
> didn't realise them at all and wondered why Firefox isn't asking
> anymore whether I want to save the entered password.
> Such bars may be ok for informational messages or notices but
> definitely not for warnings or questions with user feedback.
> In case of the 'Do you want to reload' dialog when a file has changed,
> this should be modal as it doesn't make much sense when you already
> have typed 5 other lines in the file and then you notice 'oh, there is
> a box asking me to reload the file'.
> I personally would consider using another software in such a case. The
> main intention of this dialog is not to annoy users (although during
> the last days it actually did, sorry :D) but the dialog should warn
> users and prevent possible data loss by overwriting external changes.
> Regards,
> Enrico
> --
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