On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 01:22, Lex Trotman <ele...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 10 May 2011 08:39, Eugenio Rustico <jfruscia...@tiscali.it> wrote:
>> * why don't you use a standard tag format (e.g. exubertant-ctags)?
>> there could be plenty of tags ready to use, made with a more flexible
>> tool
> IIUC tagmanager code was based on exuberant tags originally, but it
> has now diverged somewhat, again IIUC exuberant tags was unmaintained
> for a while.  Recently features like in-memory parsing have been added
> so we can no longer synchronise.  Of course its always possible to add
> the capability to read other tags formats.

Yes, tagmanager was based on some pre- ctags 5.1 version which is more
9 years old now. I have a branch here


which brings the ctags part of tagmanager as close to current SVN
version of ctags as possible. I updated only the core parts of ctags,
not the parsers, because I know there have been many tunings made by
Geany to some of them. Recently I've rebased on top of the changes
made by Colomban (MIO introduction). I've also #if 0'd a lot of code
not needed by Geany so it's much clearer what's used by Geany and what
not (e.g. some of the Colomban's changes were completely useless
because they affected code that's never called in Geany). I've been
waiting until my other baby-patches get reviewed before posting this
monster-series of patches in order not to scare maintainers too much.

Anyway, back to the original question - I too would like to use the
ctags format instead of the strange binary format Geany uses so this
is one of the things I may have a look at myself in the future.


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