Hi Karin & Sarah,

Thanks for your advice.

I did make it to the vet this afternoon.  Fortunately "River" produced a fecal sample on the way that showed a couple of pinworms.  However, the vet did not wish to treat for these until her physical condition had improved.

He recommended:
      *A water soak 15-20 min/day
      *Feed via syringe (not using gavage needle) 0.1 ml to 0.2 ml up to 0.6 ml total daily in 3-4 daily feedings some "dog food-like" moist food that I'm supposed to mix with water---sorry did not catch the name of it.  He said this food was far superior to chicken baby food nutritionally.
      *Use full spectrum lighting 16 hrs daily---now I've heard some folks don't recommend full-spectrum for leopard geckos---but in this totally compromised state of health we will do it

He found:

      *A couple pinworms in the fecal float
      *Took a culture from the cloaca for bacteria & prescribed 1 drop/day orally of 50:50 Enrofloxacin  (lab results back Monday afternoon)

His prognosis:  Guarded

This vet could not feel any sign of impaction.  She was currently being kept on Lizard Litter and maybe sand, both of which some folks say are contraindicated for leopards.

I will do as he says.  If any of you have further recommendations, please let me know.

River and I thank you.


In a message dated 9/27/03 12:54:02 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In my experience, if she is free of parasites and other internal problems, the
best thing to do is to simply keep her hydrated (I gave pedialyte or ensure
once a week in place of regular water) and to continue with the baby food
until she wants to accept regular insect feed.  In the past, this has taken
anywhere from just a week or so, to a good month.

I'd also raise the temps on the warm side to about 85-88 F, and moving the
moist hide (humid hide) to the warmer side to raise the humidity in it.

What was she kept on before the paper towels? could she be impacted?

-Karin Chan

>===== Original Message From [EMAIL PROTECTED] =====
>Hi Folks---
>On 9-11-03 I started monitoring this 4th grade classroom leopard gecko who
>had minor trouble shedding with some skin remaining on one of her eyes.  With
>two wraps in a warm wash cloth for about 15 mins the remaining skin was
>shed.  However, I was quite concerned at the size of this animal.  On 9-15
>weighed in at 22.5 grams; by today (9-27) she is weighing 17.5 grams.  She is
>8" long.  Her tail is extremely thin.  Obviously she has no fat stores left.
>On ~9-23 she eagerly ate 6 wax worms...since then she has eaten Gerber's
>chicken baby food off her nose, but has not so far shown interest in that
>left on a lid.  I brought her home yesterday.  As of last night she is in
>relatively "sterile" surroundings:  a 10 gallon with a paper towel substrate,
a 40
>watt red bulb lowered by a rheostat to 80 F in one of those fixtures that
>half the top of a ten gallon, a medium-sized rock under the light where she
>has slept for hours, a dry hide with moss on the warm side, and a moist hide
>with moss on the "cool" side.  She has a 4" water dish and a lid with two wax
>worms, two small meal worms (wheat germ).  There is a 1/2" cricket on the
>in the cage.
>As of last night, and a little this AM, she still accepts chicken baby food
>off her nose....but she does not seem to be eating independently.
>What can I do to assist her to regain her appetite?
>There will probably be trouble getting her to the vet before Monday
>afternoon, so I'm wondering what is the best I can do for her in the
meantime.  (One
>vet is moving, and the best one is relatively far away.)
>Hope that someone can help.


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        (                        )                       (
           )                   (                            )
         lappert                  robert                         hubert
           15 yo                     r.i.p.                            r.i.p.

                       (All Lepidodactylus lugubris!)

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