Title: Re: [gecko]skulls
Wow! That's coolest thing I've seen in a while.
Are there plans to do more geckos?

The horned lizard skulls are quite amazing!

Thanks for posting!

One of the projects we are involved with here includes making C.T. ("cat") scans of various skulls of various species for use in morphology studies.  This is a collaborative project involving lots of folks at a few institutions.  So far, only a few geckos have been done.   At least one of those geckos was donated (after it died sadly of natural causes) by a GGA member. Check them out!  be sure to check out the pitch, yaw, and roll films!


* Gregory J. Watkins-Colwell                      *
*      Herpetology and Ichthyology                     *
*      Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History  *
*      170 Whitney Avenue, P. O. Box 208118            *
*      New Haven, CT  06520-8118                       *
*      Phone: 203/432-3791                     *
*      FAX: 203/432-2874                               *
*       http://www.peabody.yale.edu                     *

Neil Meister
Semaphor Design Company Inc.
6450 Young Street, Suite 4
Halifax, NS  B3L 2A3
902.455.0133 ext 4

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