
I seriously doubt your store stopped carrying the apricot baby food! They have changed the packaging... it now comes in two packs of plastic containers rather than jars.

Julie Bergman wrote:

Hi Dana,

First, what was the person you got him from feeding him? It is really important this information be provided to you so you don't run into this situation. Allen Repashy, the maker of the T-Rex gecko food, may chime in as he is on this list. According to Allen all young Rhacs he raises get the Gargoyle food first as it has more protein. I would try that and some apricot babyfood if you can find it. My grocery store stopped carrying it! I would try more of the Gargoyle food and a little bit of the babyfood, more babyfood in the mix if he continues to be picky. Allen also says it is not necessary to supplement his foods, they already have supplements in them. You can go ahead and supplement crickets.

I am off the list for a few days- I'm sure Allen or the other Rhac folks will help.

Julie Bergman
GGA lifetime member

Dana wrote:

Hi everyone -

I just got a crested gecko who is 3-months old. I got him 3 days ago and he still has not eaten. I tried feeding him banana baby food with a little bit of the T-Rex gecko diet mixed in, then the next night I tried the same food but with a dusting of Rep-Cal calcium with D3 and Herptivite vitamin supplements. Any suggestions?

- Thanks,

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