Subj: Re: SV: [gecko]Gekko
Date: 3/23/04 12:50:12 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ingo Kober)


Hi obeligz

the book is  making good progressso far. We should have met in Hamm. Among other lizards I have sold about a dozen c.b. tokays from baby to almost adult there.
I did see a lot of wc ulikovskii at Hamm, but not a single cb specimen and I aquired a nice pair of G. monarchus.
Here in Germany there are breeders of G. gecko, G. vittatus and G. petricolus. Very few  G. ulikovskii . G. smithii, G. siamensis and G. grossmanni have been bred so far and as far as I know, these days there is no breeder of these species (with the exception of a few ulikovskii breeders) left over and maybe I am the only grossmanni breeder. Sad!
I AM Still looking for Pics, but I do have aspecieal wishlist, which mainly consists of hatchlings of  all species exept for G. gecko, G. vittatus and G. grossmanni .



obeligz schrieb:

Hi Ingo. :o)
How's you book coming along?
I'm looking forward to when it's finished. :o)
Will there be an English version?

I breed tockays regularly but not on a large scale since I can't sell
much babies. I think I sold around 10-12 hatchlings last year. I'm
working on my f3 generation now, hopefully I can find a CB female to
breed with my holdback from last season..

In Norway, or maybe even in Scandinavia in general there are very few
breeders of the species. Most ppl keep single animals or keep pairs on
too small enclosures for them to start breeding.

I have a feeling that G. vittatus and G. ulikovskii are bred in some
small extent but with the others it's very hard to find CB animals.
At Terraristika Hamm 2 weeks ago I found only 4-5 tockays (all WC), 6-8?
G. vittatus (half of them CB) and I remember seeing some few G.
ulikovskii CB animals but very few, there were some few WC animals of
the same species also.

On a side note, I don't know if you're still looking for pictures but my
Ex made a nice drawing of a tockay, I can rescan it for you if you're

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-----Opprinnelig melding-----

] På vegne av Ingo Kober
Sendt: 22. mars 2004 12:20

Emne: [gecko]Gekko

Dear all,

maybe you remember that I am writing a book about husbandry of  Gekko
(not Gecko) species.
Hence it is of interest to me, to know how many people do in fact
regularily breed species of this genus.
So all you Gekko gecko, Gekko vittatus, Gekko monarchus, Gekko
grossmanni, Gekko ulikovskii, Gekko siamensis, Gekko smithii, Gekko
petricolus etc etc breeders tell me how many babies you have per year of

which species and since then.
Sadly my impression so far is that with the exception of  some tokay and

white lined gecko breeders (plus some petricolus breeders in europe),
there is hardly anybody out there who does regularily breed these
Do all the thousands of G. grossmanni imports just die!
Please tell me that I ´m wrong!!!!

Also I would like to know whether the "patternless " (you only see very
faint stripes in certain light situations) variant of Gekko vittatus is
typical for a certain population (where do those come from???) or wether

they occur in any G. vittatus population here and then.

And also: What do you think: Are the small (11-14 preanal pores; males
max 9") and the large (14-18 preanal pores, Males >10"") G. grossmanni"
the same species or are there two species traded under that name? Why do

you think so???

Looking forward to replies



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