Very interesting, Lyle---

Thanks for forwarding this to the list!


>For complete article see:
>Color at Night: Geckos can distinguish hues by dim moonlight
>Susan Milius
>Of all the vertebrates, a gecko has just become the first to ace
>tests for seeing color in very low illumination.
>People, for example, go color-blind in light equivalent to dim
>but helmet geckos, Tarentola chazaliae, don't. They can still tell a
>from a gray of the same intensity, report Lina S.V. Roth and Almut
>both of the University of Lund in Sweden, in an upcoming Biology
>Earlier physiology had shown that most vertebrates deploy two systems of
>light-sensitive cells in their eyes. Two or more types of cone cells
>together to sense color in abundant light, and a single type of rod cell
>detects light more sensitively, but only in black and white. Thus, when
>seeing gets tough, people forgo color vision and rely on their rods.
>Lizards, however, lack rods, presumably because they evolved for a long
>period as strictly daytime creatures.
>Copyright ©2004 Science Service
>Lyle Puente
>Global Gecko Association
>My Brothers Banned
>Global Gecko Association
>gecko mailing list

~~~~geckos make me smile huge~~~~

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