So, with five eggs now in the incubator (and more undoubtedly on the way), and the prospect of baby /Uroplatus henkeli/ popping out in about a month and a half, I'm getting ready for the little buggers. I plan on using some 20 qt (14"x8"x9") Sterilite tubs turned on their ends (so they are tall) as cages for the little ones, with simple cage furnishings (one pothos plant, some bamboo and a chunk of cork bark I will sterilize once a week, and paper towel bedding that can be changed daily). I am keeping them separate while I grow them up, and will be upping the enclosure size as they grow. I'm keeping them separate so that I can carefully monitor their feeding, defecation, activity, etc. I wonder though, at what size/age can I, or should I, house them together, and in what numbers? Are there any advantages to housing them together? I can work with almost any cage size.

Also, how heavily, and at what frequency, should I be using what supplements? I normally alternate between Rep-Cal Ca+D3 and pure pharm. grade CaCO3 every other feeding, and use Rep-Cal Herptivite two or three times a month. I feed lobster roaches almost exclusively (occasionally I through in crickets or super worms when my roach colony slows down for a week or so) The insects are well fed with a variety of vegetables and greens, and fish food for protein.


PS- By the way, the cages will be miniaturized minimalistic versions of the temporary cage my male stayed in quite comfortably for almost a year. pics attached

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