Jessica ~

Sorry to hear about Peanut.  There is a moist pellet food called Insectivore 
Fare especially for insectivorous animals and often available in one pound 
size bags from your vet.  Zoos often use this.  It is manufactured by Reliable 
Protein Products.  Water can be added to achieve the consistency you need.  
Sorry that I don't have the link.  I am unfamiliar with Carnivore Care. 

When my male leopard died from severe gout a couple years ago the only thing 
I could trace an abundance to was the 48% protein in the Tetramin Fish Flakes 
I occasionally fed the crickets.  I think I read that fish flakes was also 
part of your insect gutload.  For some reason, my male leopard succumbed to 
yet my female did not and is doing well to this day.  I did notice his 
lethargy and not eating.  Rocky was way too big for his water dish!

The more we know the better we can care for our critters!


> Subj:[gecko]speaking of gout...
> Date:8/16/07 3:37:23 PM Pacific Daylight Time
> From:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (argente)
> Sender:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Reply-to: <A HREF="";></A>
> To:
> I just got back from the entire crew's trip to the vet.  First the good 
> news:  the girls all seem to be fine, just jumpy from the move.  He took a 
> blood 
> sample from Carrots just to be sure, since she is the most subdued.  Rocky is 
> on the other end of the spectrum, waving her tail and running about 
> frantically.  On inspection they all look healthy so unless Carrots' tests 
> show 
> something it's back to business as usual with the girls.  I'll have results 
> on 
> Monday.  Someone (either Rocky, Ellipsis, or Smiley) regurgitated some worms 
> on 
> the way home though. 
> Now the not good news.  Peanut has a very high white blood cell count and 
> major signs of kidney disease.  The vet thinks it's a particular kind of gout 
> where crystals enter the tissue (I forget the name he said).  He also has 
> pinworms.  Vet prescribed Fortaz, with subcutaenous injections every other 
> day, 
> which I'm not looking forward to doing.  Peanut's weight was down from 84g to 
> 76g since Monday (he hasn't eaten anything in that span) so I'll also start 
> syringe feeding him Carnivore Care.  He's even more listless and I'm really 
> worried about him by the vet was pretty optimistic.  We go in for a follow-up 
> on Tuesday.  If he's not doing any better by then we will revisit crypto as a 
> possibility.  My vet doesn't like to test for it since he feels the test is 
> unreliable enough to be useless.  If the current treatment doesn't help I'm 
> going to insist on the test anyway. 
> In the meantime I will switch my mealworms to a different gutload (or at 
> least start the transition since picking them all out of their current 
> bedding 
> is pretty impossible).  Can they live in the Repashy diet or do they need to 
> be taken out and gutloaded separately before feeding? 
> Thanks to everyone for your helpful and hopeful comments.  I feel much 
> better knowing that I have a panel of experts helping me along.

~~~geckos make my heart sing (and dance)~~~

          l                       l                        l              
   ^^  /..\              ^^  /..\  ^^           ^^  /..\  ^^
        l  l   ^^              llll                      \\\  
        l  l                    llll                      ///
        l  l                    llll                      \\\
        l  l  ~~              llll                      ///
   ~~  (                ~~    )   ~~         ~~   (    ~~
            )                   (                            )
         (                        )                       (
            )                   (                            )
      lappert(a)               robert(a)                    hubert(a)
       17.50 yo                    r.i.p.                            r.i.p.
                        (All Lepidodactylus lugubris!)

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