> I still maintain that if someone can work out how to use a graphical
> package manager to install regular software, it's not overly
> optimistic to assume that the can use the same graphical package
> manager to install the relevant -devel, -dev or [whatever else they
> happen to be called] packages.

Ok, I'm an engineer at Red Hat Inc.  I work on the development tools
that end up in Linux.  Our group designs custom embedded linux
distros.  I've been a computer programmer for decades.  When I install
Fedora, I answer mostly defaults in a program designed for dumb users.
I install pretty much everything (I skip some obscure utilities that
just get in my way).  Still, the development libraries aren't
installed.  In order to install them, I've first got to figure out
which ones I need (no help from the GUI there), figure out where they
came from (yum helps, but you need to know the right name), and
install them (watch out for dependencies).  Repeat until the build

*I* find the process difficult, and I know what I'm doing.  I feel
sorry for the non-programmers trying to do this.

> Using Cairo's (transparent) hardware acceleration would be
> fantastic.

If/when the hardware acceleration is so ubiquitous that we don't have
to worry about the poor user with the slow machine that doesn't have
hardware support (they're most likely to be bitten by the now-slower
rendering), let's revisit this option.

> an 'extras' repository (it's in core on FC5 and Ubuntu, at least. I
> haven't checked other distros).

The devel rpms are in core too, they're just not installable from

> <flame>Having said all that, telling developers who've worked hard
> on something of genuine use to go take their patches and shove it
> because it'll make your life slightly more difficult is really poor
> form.</flame>

It's not our life, it's the life of our users.  Your plan makes life
more difficult for most users, while benefiting only some of them.

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