I was thinking that the pcb file format does have a specific place
components are found (in the pcb file). So a string comparison of the
old string against the searched for string should work.

Given that we found a match.

Can we align the old land pattern in terms of x-y translation and
rotation? I think this is also do-able. It does assume you have a copy
of the old land pattern.

Now can we align in terms of translation and rotation the new land
pattern to the old land pattern? This might be the tricky part, if this
is just a geometry change in terms of pad size it might not be to bad.

What if, a exchanging a land patterns because we got the pin order
wrong. I think just do it (perhaps an option to let the user choose
between an assumption of device centering or of a designated pad as the
center)  and then let the drc tell us our nets are shorted.

This project is getting more interesting.

Steve M

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