Well ~25 years ago, you didn't need no stinkin layout program you just
wire wrapped from the net list which was hand generated. I still have
holes in my fingers from those bloody pins. 

On Tue, 2009-01-13 at 16:00 -0500, DJ Delorie wrote:
> > Sure, but I don't think that's what gEDA was meant to do.
> But geda *was* meant to be able to hook in other sources of data.
> > Ok, if gEDA is geared towards ASIC/FPGA that's different.
> It's not - *his* work is geared towards it, and he had a way to make
> geda work smoothly with his data needs.  Each geda user is going to
> have a preferred way of doing things, and geda needs to be amenable to
> all of those.  *Some* will be defaults, but others may need some
> custom geda setups to flow smoothly.
> > Wow. With CAD? My first CAD exposure was Racal-Redac on a VAX but being 
> Oh crap, now we're reminiscing.  20 years ago I started with Data
> General's internal CAD system on D470C terminals.  A few years later
> we switched to Cadstar, and a long hiatus later, I'm using gEDA.
> > young I could only get after-midnight time slots so I resorted to vellum 
> > and ink pens.
> mmm... pens, stickers, and FeCl from Radio Shack.  That was about 30
> years ago for me.  I still have some of the stickers, too.
> > Again, I don't want it to cater to me. I might never use gschem,
> > just wanted to give feedback.
> What about PCB, though?  That runs on Linux/Mac/Windows too.
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