I was thinking that the question was should the log file be deleted at
the completion of the program execution. If a new user is required to go
back and re run the code but change a setting you might be forever
telling new users to do so. By having a no error delete of the log file
a good run would clean up for a previous bad run.

Steve Meier

On Sat, 2009-01-17 at 07:37 +0000, Peter TB Brett wrote:
> On Saturday 17 January 2009 02:43:44 Steve Meier wrote:
> > hmmm, isn't problem info being logged. I would agree if during the
> > current run the logfile only included warnings.
> 99+% of the time, the log doesn't contain anything other than a 
> copywrite/no-warranty notice and a list of files loaded.
> > how about if at the end of execution that if there was a problem of some
> > class detected that the user be asked if the  log file should be
> > retained?
> How about if something goes wrong, the user could re-run with logging enabled?
> I guess another alternative is that we could make the default logging 
> destination:
>        $HOME/.gEDA/logs/
> And just have a single gschem.log, gnetlist.log, etc.
>                                 Peter
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