Since the Schematic Import was still giving me troubles, I've upgraded to GEDA 
1.6.1 and pulled the latest PCB changes from GIT, uninstalled it, checked that 
there are no obvious references to PCB or GEDA anywhere under /usr/local 
(including that symlink that was previously needed), rebuilt and reinstalled.

So now, the prefixes for PCB and GEDA are definitely the same.  :-)

As before, I've copied a known working schematic to ~/test.sch, and saved an 
empty board layout as ~/test.pcb, with "test" as the name on the layout.

I then try to "Import Schematics", but it looks like things have taken a slight 
backward step:  I am greeted with that single-line error message in the message 
log that cropped up before: "Can't add rat lines because no netlist is loaded". 
 The only message on the controlling terminal is:

Could not open actions file "/tmp/pcb.XXXCNCim/gnetlist_output"

So as before I ran PCB via strace.  The trace indicates that PCB is trying to 
find and run "defgnetlist"  (and it checks in several places, including 
/usr/bin) with "test.sch" as one of the arguments.   There are no executables 
anywhere in my $PATH that start with "def".  

Did I miss a step?

"There are some things in life worth obsessing over.  Most
things aren't, and when you learn that, life improves."
Vanessa Ezekowitz <>

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