On Apr 24, 2010, at 7:16 PM, Madhusudan Singh wrote:

>   Failure to correspond to your prejudices is not imperfection.
>   Needing an extra 20 minutes after wiring the net, to populate spice
>   models for each gschem schematic (instead of having a set of default
>   libraries that do that for common circuit elements) for each circuit,

I really don't think you understand how the process works. Can you post a 
schematic? All you should be doing is attaching model-name= and perhaps file= 
(although I prefer to include a library once) to active components. Not so hard.

What you consider "common circuit elements" are undoubtedly different from what 
I commonly use. That's how it goes. You have to build your own library, just 
like I had to when I was using Pspice back in the '90s.

>   compared to spending 0 extra minutes on something like LTSpice or
>   PSpice is not prejudice. It is 20 minutes of wasted time. Of course, I
>   have a decided prejudice against wasted time of that sort. So, very
>   prejudicially, I view it as an imperfection.

The real time wasters aren't the setup, but the the repeated manual operations 
of GUI tools.

>> Since multiple circuit
>>  iterations usually occur during the simulation period of the design
>>  (long before it is laid out for a PCB), any extra time wasted in
>   any
>>  one of these steps has a multiplier effect on the overall time
>   spent.
>>  Professionally, that is unacceptable, regardless of my personal
>>  inclinations, or ideologies.
>     Again, this doesn't happen when you have your flow set up in an
>     efficient way, and gEDA is the very best EDA tool I've ever used at
>     avoiding this problem. But you seem to *expect* low productivity,
>     and you insist on using gEDA in a low productivity way.  You
>     complain of ideology, but your approach seems extremely ideological
>     to me.
>   You do have an interesting definition of productivity then. But no
>   matter.

Given that I've designed 6000 transistor VLSI chips and 1000 component circuit 
boards with gschem, I think I understand its productivity. You have to use the 
power of the toolkit, not struggle against it.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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