Ethan Swint wrote:
A quick sanity check with users: I've got some Gerbers and a drill file to review. The drill file (*.drl), however, is not drawn to the same origin as the other layers. Also, there are leading zeros on some of the hole locations, e.g.


which should be holes located at [+/-1.000",+/-1.000"]. I talked to one board house, but the conversation had so many double negatives

I haven't used PADS since ?? can't remember -- all you need to do is a
self consistency check and send that to the board fabber,
and get someone on the phone who can give you
a straight answer.  If you are dealing by emails alone, it all needs to be 
and demanded to be read.  I'd generate something that will give you a 
check in mils or tenths of millimeters and inches or centimeters
on the same board, and run that by them.

The origin being different has to be approved by them.  Is it different because
it is panelized?  If it isn't all as clear and obvious as can be it will fail.
If the origins are different, some writing to explain why needs to go with the 

John Griessen

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