Den 2010-12-24 00:08:41 skrev Stefan Salewski <>:

On Fri, 2010-12-24 at 00:00 +0100, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:
Yet another newbie question then:

I tried to enter a value of a resistor

You can change the alignment mark of text, select the text, and select
"Edit/Edit Text" from menu. In the popup window there is an alignment

Not sure if that was your problem, sorry.

Well, I'm a beginner so maybe I'm just doing it the wrong way or using the wrong tools.

Here's what I do:
Draw a resistor somewhere (Add component → Basic devices → resistor-2.sym).
Right click the resistor and select ”Edit…”.
Add attribute → Name: → Select ”value”.
Value: → Enter ”390kΩ”.
Click ”Add”.
☑ Visible ⇨ Select ”Show value only”.
Click ”Close”.

Does it look nice? It certainly does not on my system.

Am I doing this right at all?

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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