I've been trying to use the pcb track optimization tools on a board
which I've manually routed.  I tried essentially all the
options on the Connects | Optimize routed tracks menu.  However,
I've run into a couple of problems:

1. My board has an LQFP48 footprint rotated 45 degrees.
   Whenever I try to use the optimization tools, weird stairstep
   tracks appear on this IC's pads, shorting all of them together.

2. The optimization tools violated the DRC minimum spacing
   I removed the LQFP48 IC and instead put some circular “test pad”
   footprints in place of each of the IC's pads.  I was then able
   to get the optimization tools to sort-of-work.  However, the
   tracks were pulled too close to some other pins and it violated
   DRC minimum copper spacing.  Also, my tracks weren't very nicely
   pulled and optimized either.

Has anyone encountered these problems?
What is the status of the pcb track optimization features?
Do they perform better for automatically-routed tracks?
Are they useful only for very simple layouts?


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