On Sep 12, 2011, at 3:09 PM, Hannu Vuolasaho wrote:

> I have been playing with one guitar amplifier project for a while and so far 
> the amplifier design has been more or less copy and paste and simulate and 
> guess from graphs. However I bumped in net this blog post 
> http://nordicnerd.blogspot.com/2011/08/active-speakers-spice-with-actual-audio.html
> Is it possible to do same thing? Input wav to simulator and get speaker's 
> output and hear it? I know it's not perfect but it could be very helpful. Has 
> someone done this before and provide some hints, examples or links?

Shouldn't be too hard. ngspice seems to have no limit to the length of a PWL 
spec. Put the audio in some simple form (like raw binary samples), write a tiny 
program to convert to PWL. Generate output with .PRINT, write another tiny 
program to convert to binary samples.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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