On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 12:47 AM, Sven Claussner <scl.gp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On  21.1.2016 at 12:54 AM Partha Bagchi wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 12:10 AM, cscj01 <for...@gimpusers.com> wrote:
>>>> GIMP has a built in gegl based NEF "plug-in". No additional software
>>>> needed other than the requisite dcraw of course. Actually it can read
>>>> Fuji and Panasonic as well (probably what Pippin has :) ), but that's
>>>> not advertised.
>>> If the UFRaw plugin can properly read NEF files, why can't the gegl-based
>>> nef
>>> plugin?  I see this as a bug.
>> Can you tell me what the issue is? We can take it offlist if you want.
> Or perhaps you could discuss it or tell about the results of your
> off-list discussion on the GEGL developer list, so it would
> become obvious to developers what still needs to be done?
> Thus I'm cross-posting this to the GEGL developer list.
Of course Sven. Btw, I know that dcraw-load.c does not function on
Windows and I had suggested modifications almost 3 years ago. The
modifications didn't make it to the source.
> BTW, the same issue is for CR2 (Canon raw files). I haven't tried DNG yet.
> I wonder a bit that it doesn't work out of the box yet because GEGL
> depends on the [LibRaw library] which reads camera raw files and is an
> active project.
I have had some problems with some CR2 files but not others. Also,
dcraw-load.c does not depend on Libraw.
> Personally I think GIMP and its users would benefit much if Camera raw
> files could be read and processed natively.
I agree though with caveat. You need to preprocess RAW files and
dcraw-load.c exports a linear 16-bit image (one size fit all).
> Greetings
Greetings to you too.
> Sven
> [LibRaw library]: http://www.libraw.org/
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