On Wed, Nov 18, 2020 at 10:08 PM JonnyRobbie via gegl-developer-list
<gegl-developer-list@gnome.org> wrote:
> I think it is rude to send emails and questions directly open source 
> developers
> when there is mailinglists - please use the mailinglists.
> I didn't mean to offend you in any way. I'm still having some trouble with 
> figuring out mailing lists, but I did send my thread starter in the mailing 
> list after all. And when I got a reply from you, I just hit reply from my 
> mail application.

Email - and mailinglists are a tricky, I've never enjoyed them. Maybe
the GIMP and GEGL lists will be replaced by forums as is vogue among
GNOME related projects these days. Personally I prefer IRC; responding
to email communication takes disproportionate amounts of time for me.

> I will not help you
> fix your windows computer nor will I help you with GIMP's UI in private email,
> Ok, you really lost me there. I really have no idea where did you read I'm 
> having problems with a windows computer. Much less that I don't own any. Did 
> you perhaps mix it with some other mail you received from someone
else? I also don't think I mentioned any problem with gimp ui in my reply email.

The followup question in your email that was not sent to the list also
asked about ways of doing reverse crop or adding a colored border to
an image in *GIMP*, maybe you meant GEGL here as well? The answer
would be the same - composite it on top of a solid colored layer.

> I really hope this is just some misunderstanding. I was just having problems 
> with gegl and I was hoping someone on gegl mailing list might be able to help 
> me.

The misunderstanding is not including the mailinglist in your reply.
When I was younger I would be asked by people to figure out and fix
the problems with their windows systems because I was "good with
computers" - despite not using windows. In the past I have also
received phone calls with support requests and feature requests for

gegl-developer-list mailing list
List address:    gegl-developer-list@gnome.org
List membership: https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gegl-developer-list

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