> Maybe having

> everything in the .c single file with enums and forward declarations

> for the data early and the data after the operation code? 

Locally, I use an external python script in a meta-programming way to
generate the two included files from some input data. It doesn't depend on
any external library, but the main file depens on the two includes. I've 
found it much easier to generate the includes from scratch and then simply
include them in the main c file rather then messing with file templats, etc.
in python. The two parts I generate are enums for property_enum() for ui 
input (generated in the negative-darkroom-curve-enum.c) and the second
(negative-darkroom-curve-enum.h) is a struct initialization with all the 
data. You can see the structure in the three attached files.

But if you insist on having only one file, I might be able to rewrite that.
But messing with templating (locally - the PR for gegl would be clean) is a
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