On 02/19/2010 06:20 PM, Eugene Zagidullin wrote:
> Is it possible to create full-image ops? A good example of such an op is 
> exposure
> fusion technique by Mertens&  Kautz. It's output depends of full-image 
> Laplacian
> pyramid decomposition.

Processing in an operation is done on-demand. The operation is asked to 
"for these inputs, give me output for the rectangle R". So it doesn't 
make sense to write an op that ignores the ROI, how would it know what 
data to give?

Note that you can ask GEGL to process a whole node, which in effect will 
process "the entire image". For example, you could have this graph:

inputimage1   inputimage2    inputimage3
    |                |             |
    +--------------+ | +-----------+
                   | | |

Then, if you process the entire png-save node, this will happen:
GEGL will try to calculate the bounding box for png-save. This depends 
on the bounding-box of exposure-fusion, so GEGL will ask exposure fusion 
about the bounding box. The exposure-fusion node bounding box depends on 
the bounding box of the input images, so GEGL will ask about the 
bounding box of the images. This is a recursive process of course.

Once the bounding-box of the dependencies have been determined, the ROI 
will be set to exactly the ROI needed to process the full image.


  / Martin


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