> I'd really like to know is if we should have just one ID or two.  I'd
> personally rather stick with one.  Maybe we just call it
> memoryAccessID or sharerID

memoryAccessID sounds like the right term here.

> I'm not sure that it would complicate things much.  The idea is to
> just put the things that are for memory requests into a base class and
> have thread context derive from that.  So, not adding stuff, just
> splitting the class into two parts.
I see, that's not too bad then.

> > I thought the easiest way would be to use the port connections to
> traverse
> > the system since something is already done for the snoop Port
> > registration.The only trick would be for CPUs with multiple threads you
> need
> > to ask out how many contexts it's going to share.
> Yeah, it is doable.  It would probably be nice to have a routine that
> is just designed to traverse the memory hierarchy and call a member
> function on every object in the hierarchy.  I think registering with
> the system gets the same effect and is potentially simpler.
That routine would be useful I agree. What I ran into when I started this is
you can't necessarily just sum up values though because things share the
same bus. Thus, if you ask an icache and a dcache for "num sharers" then you
get back 1 both time, but you can't sum those. So the traversal algorithm
has to be smart enough to count unique sharers (stl set?) on a bus and then
pass that value down the hierarchy for it to work right.

- Korey
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