On Dec 20, 2005, at 1:09 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

Offering an alternate proposal as part of a vote thread after the discussion has taken place already where one did not participate *is* "anything else" by the way. What I didn't like is the very fact that someone out-of- the-blue proposes an alternate, since that derails the vote thread, takes time and energy of everyone, and is just counter-productive in the end. You may notice that both Cliff and I have some reservations but we're not getting in the way of making progress.

My proposal is not "out-of-the-blue". I brought this up a few days ago in the "@domain for Incubator mailing lists" thread to which there was one completely useless response from Geir "To what end?"

Which you ignored for some reason. Why was it 'useless'? I was trying to figure out why you wanted all podling email domains to switch to @incubator, not just the new/recent ones.

I'm still confused on what you actually want, because you voted against your own suggestion.


Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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