On Dec 27, 2005, at 2:42 PM, Henri Yandell wrote:

On 12/27/05, Geir Magnusson Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Dec 27, 2005, at 11:42 AM, Henri Yandell wrote:

My aim for Jakarta is to either promote subprojects to TLP or
flatten them into Jakarta Commons, leading to a non-umbrella
Jakarta (I know, you didn't think you'd see it in your lifetime).
This new Jakarta would have the potential to serve two roles:

1) Place for [EMAIL PROTECTED] to share conversation [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2) Place for [EMAIL PROTECTED] to share code [Jakarta Commons]

Storing the spec source there would be good for everyone I think;
it would help bring people to Jakarta to share code and
conversation, and the Commons community would make good stewards
for the code if the various owners departed.

I'm not sure if I buy that last one - do you really think that the
commons people are willing to do that?  why?

Yeah, I've forwarded this to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as well so I can get
feedback from both sides. The above meant 'the commons community way'
rather than the exact people. ie) I'm expecting the original coders
to, in most cases, still be maintaining and working on the code.

Yoav pointed out that one problem with this is that some of these
things have Expert Group authorization issues. Unsure if we would try
to get rid of those or just maintain them.

There are no EG authorization issues. We're talking about just doing independent spec jars, right? Not implementations of the specs themselves, but just a place for shared spec jars. Like "get the javadoc for JSR-FOO when it's done, and site and type in the interfaces"

ie) Keep them as a part of Jakarta Commons [the community development
at Jakarta] or make a third component in Jakarta [along with Jakarta
General, the conversation place] called Jakarta Specs.

I'm not sure why Jakarta. Since we've been talking about this (over a year?) in Geronomo, I always saw this really as a "depot" just to get rid of the collisions, rather than any chance for community - this is really just housekeeping. There are no real opportunities for creative work, and once done, they won't change until the next rev of the specs come out. It's just stenography for the most part. True, there are specs for which there is code in the API, such as factories or in the case of Javamail, deeper implementation, but I'd expect that this would be done by the specific projects that are doing the full impl, such as WS-Scout people doing the JAXR API stuff, $whoever_owns_javamail (G right now) doing the javamail spec jars, etc.


Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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