Why not just modify incubator procedure to make it clear that

1) Mentors make the requests and

2) They sign the email w/ the title "$PODLING_NAME Mentor"

Now #2 don't prevent someone from misrepresenting themselves - which would have to be dealt with - but rather it allows us to not act on but simply reply back to those that ask for accounts w/o representing themselves as mentors...


Erik Abele wrote:
On 21.02.2006, at 21:18, Noel J. Bergman wrote:


All projects in the Incubator are managed by the Incubator PMC. All Mentors
are Incubator PMC members (see committee info if in doubt).

Requests for infrastructure and accounts should be coming from those
Mentors, and should be cc'd to the Incubator PMC, so that it can maintain

Hmm, while this makes sense it also makes it very hard to recognize valid requestors. The Incubator PMC membership is not always a long-term relationship and so root@ (et al) will have to find out about new mentors in some easy way.

For example there's this account request from Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> from today - it's not easily possible to find out if he is supposed to be in charge of that - there's nothing on the PMC list and there's just one vote thread covering the proposal on the public list, nothing else... so how are we supposed to find out if he is a mentor for some poddling?

(And btw, I don't think it is efficient to dig mailing list archives on every incubator request but that's the only possibilty right now, the website isn't up2date in this regard.)


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