I am interested in participating in this.  I have a particular interest in creating a new style of architecture for open distributed workflow processing that would leverage this kind of solution.


On 12/8/23 10:37 AM, Jacques Nadeau wrote:
FYI, I'm super supportive of the spirit of this work. The goal of the
project is a noble one that has real demand.

Sorry if my initial message sounded dour! I just wanted to make sure people
were going in eyes wide open and give this project the best chance for

On Fri, Dec 8, 2023, 8:28 AM Jacques Nadeau<jacq...@apache.org>  wrote:

I've shared this feedback with Jesus prior to the proposal but would like
to do here as well. This project is trying to make multiple open source
projects work together. It would be nice to see representation from
multiple of those communities. I feel that true success of this project is
heavily influenced by its acceptance of multiple communities, not just
those hailing from one.

The name is a problem in that that it suggests inappropriate ties with
both OneLake and OneHouse, commercial products in the same space backed by
two companies the initial ipmc hail from. Normally I would be fine with the
typical "find a new name during incubation" process but the
market this technology is within is filled with fud and vitriol between
the backers of the multiple open source projects and I think it would be
best if the incubating project name had a placeholder name as opposed to
something that suggests any ASF sponsorship of vendor technologies. I
cynically suspect that if this is accepted we would then see one or more
vendors start writing about how ASF is backing OneTable before the renaming
would occur. Let's keep corporate influence out of this project from the

On Mon, Dec 4, 2023, 11:25 AM Jesus Camacho Rodriguez<jcama...@apache.org>

Hi All,

I would like to propose a new project to the ASF incubator - OneTable.

OneTable[1] is an omni-directional converter for table formats that
facilitates interoperability across data processing systems and query
engines. Currently, OneTable supports widely adopted open-source table
formats such as Apache Hudi, Apache Iceberg, and Delta Lake.

Here is the proposal -

I would be the Champion of the project. I will mentor and help the project
through the incubator with Hitesh Shah [hit...@apache.org], Stamatis
Zampetakis [zabe...@apache.org], and Jean-Baptiste Onofré [

We are looking forward to your feedback!



*Stephen D. Williams*
Founder: VolksDroid, Blue Scholar Foundation
650-450-8649 <tel:650-450-8649> | fax:703-995-0407 <fax:> | s...@lg.net <mailto:s...@lig.net> | https://VolksDroid.org <https://VolksDroid.org> | https://BlueScholar.org <https://BlueScholar.org> | https://sdw.st/in

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