Not necessarily true, I've worked on applications where a servers ability to
dynamically create M$ documents is a cool feature, imagine a servelet which
returned an xls workbook reporting on data from an ODBC datasource (maybe
sales figures or contact details), people in M$ centered offices lap that
up, particularly if it can include VBS macros providing an update path and
other client-server features.
There you have a client's (admitedly simple) route into a non M$ environment
which doesn't frighten the children or use ODBC or any non M$ application on
the client side.

> "Geir Magnusson Jr." wrote:
>Sure, but the flip side of that is it's really more of a
>client-ish tool, as
>from what I gather it's focus is desktop-software documents (MSFT).
>Important, and rather cool that someone did it,  but not strictly
>serverside.  Of course, Jakarta isn't strictly server-side either.

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