On Fri, 3 May 2002, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

> > They _will_ be apache people.
> Of course they _will_ be apache people, but they _aren't_ now.  That isn't a
> bad thing, a criticism or an insult. Just recognizing the reality.

The project was aproved by the PMC - so their commiters _are_ 
jakarta commiters, in the same role and position as you and me. 

( probably it'll take few days/weeks to get the cvs set up and 
the accounts created, but this is technical detail ).

> One of the requirements of bringing in a project is to have a champion, the
> point being (as I understand it) to help ensure smooth integration into the
> Apache/Jakarta community.

And a jakarta commiter made the proposal - that qualify ( I'm not sure
I've seen any formal requirement, I though it's only 'desirable' ).

I don't know what 'smooth integration' is - getting them the NIH 
virus and a taste for endless flame wars ? 

> Generally (not specifically in this case) you wouldn't (well, I wouldn't)
> want to bring in a group of people that didn't want to participate in the
> community as a whole.  That's sourceforge, isn't it?

I believe (hope) they had a vote and all their commiters agree with
the move. Otherwise it would be ilegal to change the copyright - all
@ holders must agree. 

> a committer, but says nothing about if they  are in any alignment with the
> goals and principles of the ASF.

And who is ? 

Are the people involved in the current threads on jakarta-general
in 'alignment with the principles and goals of the ASF' ? 

I can't speak for others, but I don't feel any 'ASF spirit' 
when I read jakarta-general. 

> Really?  The point, as I see it, is simply to help organize the greater
> Apache community by subject of interest.

And the projects are doing exactly that. 


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