On Mon, 22 Mar 2004 11:14:13 +1100
dion wrote:

> I've seen this 'defined responsibility' drive people
> away from projects. (*1)

Agreed. Often *innovative* guys run away from such projects.
OSS guys do not want to take *responsibilites*, generally speaking.
Also, this often dampens the motivation of the "not-defined" guys.

> I've also seen projects with a strong leader wallow as their leader
> has gone off and started something new and more fun. (*2)

Agreed, too. Often *conservative* guys hate such projects - and
say - "This project is very primitive."


Required would be *balance*, i guess.

In case (*1), "warm-hearted" enemies would be often able to
resuscitate (*1) projects.
NOTE: If not-"warm-hearted", (*1) would lose in competition.
In case (*2), "public appeal" method would be required. In open
source world, anyone can take over. - just people do not know
what they can do (and they are shy enough) and where such projects exist.
- Mechanism would resolve. "offer for public subscription" *plus*
- "allocation of appropriate rights"

Again and again, just a balancing issue.
Also, community often loses balance. - Be careful.

-- Tetsuya. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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