On Jun 7, 2004, at 5:05 AM, Danny Angus wrote:

Geir wrote:

Well, I'm a little leery about sending watchdog traffic (even if none)
to general@ - all it takes is one guy getting interested :)

(My silence was due to temporary no-email-at-home, not indifference!)

I'd prefer to propose the following:

1/ that a PMC vote is taken *HERE* to decide if the community is happy to
see Watchdog downgraded to "inactive"

That's fine, although I see no need to 'downgrade'. I think that the PMC is aware, and Yoav and yourself have karma now.

As for the rest, do what you think is best. You've got Karma. If someone doesn't like, they'll squawk. :)


Geir Magnusson Jr                                   203-247-1713(m)

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