On Wed, 2005-04-06 at 19:36 -0400, Ian F. Darwin wrote:

>     [ X] +1 Vote in support
>     [  ]  0   Abstain
>     [  ] -1  Vote against

Go, Tomcat!

Dipl.-Inf. (Univ.) Henning P. Schmiedehausen          INTERMETA GmbH
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        +49 9131 50 654 0   http://www.intermeta.de/

      RedHat Certified Engineer -- Jakarta Turbine Development
   Linux, Java, perl, Solaris -- Consulting, Training, Engineering

"Now you can start with implementation and integration and do the
requirements later".  -- Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Manfred Broy about the new
german federal software development standard "V-Model XT"
(found at http://de.biz.yahoo.com/050207/299/4en0t.html)

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